Media Framing and Political Interests: A Critical Analysis of Lintas7.Net’s Role in the 2020 Pacitan Regional Election
Agoes Hendriyanto1, Andrik Purwasito2, Wakit Abdullah Rais3, Sri Hastjaryo4

1Agoes Hendriyanto, Alumni of the UNS Doctoral Program, Surakarta, Indonesia.

2Andrik Purwasito, Professor at the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies at the UNS Graduate School, Indonesia.

3Wakit Abdulah Rais, Professor at the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies at the UNS Graduate School, Indonesia.

4Sri Hastjaryo, Lecturer at the Doctoral Study Program in Cultural Studies at the UNS Graduate School, Indonesia.

Manuscript received on 16 March 2022 | Revised Manuscript received on 20 March 2022 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 May 2022 | Manuscript published on 30 May 2022 | PP: 64-71 | Volume-2 Issue-1, May 2022 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijef.H169910080424 | DOI : 10.54105/ijef.F1699.02010522

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Abstract: A recent research study analyzed’s news framing during the 2020 Pacitan regional election. The study uncovered a clear bias towards political and economic interests, indicating a vested interest in maintaining the current power dynamics in Pacitan. The research employed critical analysis and utilized Entman’s framing analysis methodology, incorporating data from documentation and interviews carried out throughout the year. The study’s findings shed light on concerns regarding the media’s role in upholding democratic ideals, specifically regarding’s biased behavior during the 2020 Pacitan Regional Election. The utilization of framing techniques and selective information dissemination by the media outlet undermines the objectivity of the public sphere. Addressing this issue requires prioritizing the independence of media platforms and upholding ethical standards for journalists. Future evaluations should focus on guaranteeing the autonomy of local online media and their responsibility to provide accurate and unbiased information in the selection of qualified leaders. This can be accomplished by promoting media transparency, independence, and a dedication to objective reporting. By doing so, the integrity of the democratic election process can be preserved, allowing for the fair and equitable selection of deserving leaders in Pacitan.

Keywords: Media Bias, Democracy, Pacitan Regional
Scope of the Article: Economics