The Tunisian Economics’ Situations After the Revolution of Arab Spring 2011
Foued Sabbagh

Foued Sabbagh, Faculty of Law and Economic and Politic Sciences of Sousse – University of Sousse. 

Manuscript received on 01 April 2021 | Revised Manuscript received on 10 April 2021 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 May 2021 | Manuscript published on 30 May 2021 | PP: 74-79 | Volume-1 Issue-1, May 2021 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijef.L13770851221 | DOI: 10.54105/ijef.L1377.01010521

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Abstract: The Tunisian economic facts after the so-called the Arab spring or social revolution have been marketed by numerous fluctuations and radical changes in the general situation of the management of the administrative affairs of the country. The most prominent of these facts, including the series of chaotic sit-ins and the political and security instability that has increased from 2011 to 2018, note in particular the emergence of the phenomenon of terrorism and assassinations. These negative results are too the expensive cost of the Tunisian national economy, which has been directed, affected by all vital sectors of the country’s economy, especially the tourism, trade and investment sectors. In addition, the increase in excessive wages during the first three years following the revolution and the increasing number of random sit-ins that led to the cessation of the production in the Gafsa phosphate mine and the failure to work for most of the public servants represented negative factors that led to a decline in productivity and an increase in the financial and trade deficit. Thus, the budget deficit and the accumulation of indebtedness represent the main obstacle to achieving social and economic stability.

Keywords: Economics, Situations, Positives, Negatives, Causes of Recession, Tunisian Revolution.
Scope of the Article: Economics